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Our group Thanh Sinh Công (TSC) is a Catholic young adults group within the Holy Martyrs of Vietnam Parish. As a group we come together to learn more about God and be active members of the church and society. Our three main goals are:

1)     To learn and use the Bible as a foundation for our life.
2) Help young adults enrich their life physically, mentally, and spiritually. This will help them prepare their path in life, whether it'll be raising their own family or living a religious life.
3) Be involved members of the church and promote charity.

Our group chose Saint Andre Phu Yen as our patron saint. He was a young Vietnamese martyr who sacrificed his life to be a witness for God's love.


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Meeting are held twice per month at the church's basement, on the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions.

If you are interested in learning more about our Catholic faith and be a member of our group, please come and attend our meetings. We'd love to have you join us!.


Activities & Events

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Throughout the year, TSC hosts different events/activities, and help out many church events, such as:

  • Retreats
  • Parking patrol
  • New Year Concerts
  • Monthly Mass
  • Fundraising events
  • Sports Competition
  • Mother's Day Banquet
  • Summer Picnic
  • Thanksgiving Potluck
  • Visit to Nursing Home
  • And much more…